Pet Policy

Pets are welcome out front of the Farm Market and Garden Center, however they are not permitted in any space serving food or beverage products such as: wagon rides, Santas Village, Festival Field, pick your own fields, or any indoor areas.

All pets must be:

  1. On a leash
  2. Under control
  3. With an adult owner at all times
  4. Comfortable with children, other pets, loud noises and crowds

If a guest has an issue with a pet, the pet will be asked to relocate or leave the property, as we are a people-first business.

Service Animals

You may not be refused for having your service animals with you unless the animal is misbehaving. Shady Brook Farm staff is not allowed to demand any proof of disability or medical documentation. They are only permitted to ask two questions:

  1. Is this a service animal?
  2. What tasks is the animal been trained to perform?

The ADA does not require covered entities to modify policies, practices, or procedures if it would “fundamentally alter” the nature of the goods, services, programs, or activities provided to the public. Nor does it overrule legitimate safety requirements. If admitting service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of a service or program, service animals may be prohibited. The ADA gives a person with a disability the right to be accompanied by his or her service animal, but covered entities are not required to allow an animal to sit or be fed at the table.

You can find additional information on service animal laws by visiting the ADA website and reviewing the requirements

Emotional Support Animals are not trained to perform a specific job or task, they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA